questions & answers

Where are we watching the movies?

All movies will be hosted at our house, 5160 Carnegie St. If you don’t live nearby, there is usually ample street parking in the area.

Do I need to join for all the movies?

Not at all. Join for one, join for a few, or join me all weekend. The movies will be rolling and I will be there!

If I had to choose one, which one should I watch.

My honest and extremely biased opinion is you should watch the original SCREAM and also SCREAM VI. They are the perfect bookends for a great franchise.

What if I just want to hang out?

Perfect — swing on by! Weather permitting, we will have a fire going on the back patio. Feel free to just hang out, especially between screenings.

Will there be food or drinks provided? Should I bring anything?

We will have themed cocktails, assorted non-alcoholic beverages, ALL the snacks, and a candy bar! There is zero expectation to bring anything. But if there is something particular that would make the screenings more enjoyable, feel free to bring it along.

Can I bring a friend?

Yes, of course! Spooky season is always better when more people want to join in on the fun. Just let us know if you’re thinking of a +1 (or more!) so we have plenty of goodies for everyone.